Our HERITAGE-PRO colleagues from Asociación Española de Gestores del Patrimonio Cultural (AEGPC) offered a training week June 14 – 18, 2021, for learners from the cultural heritage and related crafts’ sectors in Madrid. It was organized in a hybrid way (online and onsite) to adapt to the conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.
The aim of this event was to discuss with the 20 participants how to put into practice in interdisciplinary environments the training material developed in the Heritage-PRO project. For this purpose, during the training sessions, participants were divided into five groups according to the five modules of Heritage-PRO:
- Module 1: Global Challenges and Opportunities in Cultural Heritage Field
- Module 2: Efficient Team Working and Effective Interdisciplinary Conflict Resolution
- Module 3: Valorisation of Cultural Heritage
- Module 4: Participation in Cultural Heritage Preservation
- Module 5: Effective Communication in an Interdisciplinary Environment
The participants received in advance guidelines and a set of questions to help them get acquainted with the Heritage-PRO training materials and to get prepared for the meeting. They were asked to develop preparatory work on one Heritage-PRO module designated to their working group.
Several study visits to good practices complemented the training event, e.g. to Alcalá de Henares: Regional Archaeological Museum, Antezana Foundation, Sociedad de Condueños (of the Former University Buildings). There an exchange was arranged with Spanish experts. A visit was also arranged to the collection of the Treasures of the Dauphin in the Prado Museum. All visits were streamed so that online participants could join the study visits.
Though the organisation of the streaming was a challenge specifically during the study visits, the event was a big success as the content of the HERITAGE-PRO material was successfully assessed by experts and communicated to learners. All participants benefited from the programme, carefully and most interesting arranged by our colleagues Veronica Buey and Ana Velasco.
Picture credits: AEGPC