So-called “Multiplier Events” took place since autumn 2020 in Germany, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, and Austria in order to communicate the results of HERITAGE-PRO and to raise awareness for interdisciplinary cooperation.

The events had different formats (online and face-to-face) according to the needs and interests of the heritage preservation communities in the respective countries. However, most of the events took place online due to COVID-19 restrictions. All the outcomes of HERITAGE-PRO were presented and discussed.

If your institution is interested to host another event in Germany, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, or Austria, please get in touch with the coordinator at heritage-pro(at)  or contact the representatives of the partner organisations.


Events that have already been successfully carried out

Martes, 6 de julio 2021, Madrid

Formación interdisciplinar para gestores de patrimonio cultural

Taller online de dos horas de duración para conocer las líneas maestras del programa de formación HERITAGE-PRO para la mejora de las capacidades interdisciplinares de los gestores de patrimonio cultural. Será impartido por la Asociación Española de Gestores de Patrimonio Cultural (AEGPC).

El objetivo de esta sesión es que los participantes se familiaricen con el contenido y las herramientas que el programa de formación HERITAGE-PRO proporciona a los futuros gestores del patrimonio cultural y puedan aplicarlo en su entorno profesional.

Sobre el programa HERITAGE-PRO. El programa HERITAGE-PRO ha sido creado para complementar la formación de los profesionales dedicados a la conservación y puesta en valor del patrimonio. Estos profesionales se ven a menudo obligados a desarrollar su labor en una realidad cada vez más compleja al frente de equipos interdisciplinares. Esto les exige conocimientos y capacidades de gestión que no suelen obtenerse en la formación regular. Por ello, el conjunto de materiales formativos HERITAGE-PRO abarca temas como la gestión de equipos interdisciplinares, la resolución de conflictos, la puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural, el fomento de la participación y los retos y oportunidades a los que se enfrenta el sector en el marco de la Agenda 2030.

¿A quién va dirigido este taller? A profesionales del sector del patrimonio cultural que trabajen con equipos a su cargo o ejerzan como formadores de futuros gestores del patrimonio cultural.

Personas de contacto de la AEGPC:

Número máximo de participantes: 20



June 28th, 2021, Sweden

An online roundtable was organised by our partner RESTRADE:
Cultural Heritage Professions and Skills in an Interdisciplinary World
The aim of this online roundtable was to discuss how to go further about evolving #culturalheritage professions and #skills in #interdisciplinary environments. Clearly, cultural heritage #conservation is not anymore requiring only technical skills and knowledge, but much more than that. What are the needs and how do we address that as professionalists, practitioners, academicians, craftspeople…?
The event is documented in the HERITAGE-PRO blog


June 28th, 2021, Austria

The Institute of Property Research, our Austrian HERITAGE-PRO partner, offered an onsite event for all interested cultural heritage professionals:

The ability to form and develop interdisciplinary teams and to steer their work is of central importance for the valorisation of architectural heritage. Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project Heritage-Pro, training material has been developed for the development of these competences. From March to June 2021, 16 interdisciplinary teams worked with the support of this training material on the development of utilisation concepts for a former water tower and stables in Vienna. The Multiplier Event will present this work and reflect on the work in interdisciplinary teams with Heritage-Pro material. 

The event is documented in the HERITAGE-PRO blog


May 11th, 2021, Germany

An online Multiplier Event event was offered specifically for cultural heritage professionals working at heritage sites operated by Rhineland-Palatian municipalities by Entwicklungsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz.

May 4th and 5th, 2021, Germany

Cooperative online Multiplier Event of German partner Kultur und Arbeit e.V. and the Organization of World Heritage Cities (in English and German). Please see the documentation in the HERITAGE-PRO blog.

February 8th and March 22nd, 2021, Germany 

Why is interdisciplinary cooperation so important for cultural heritage management and how can the HERITAGE-PRO materials contribute to successful management? These were the main topics of the first two small German Multiplier Events which took place as online sessions.

November 9th,  2020: HERITAGE-PRO partner ENCATC started the Multiplier Events online in Brussels

The ENCATC Multiplier Event for HERITAGE-PRO took place in an own session during the annual congress of ENCATC, the network of European cultural managers and policymakers. The event brought together experts from cultural and cultural heritage management in a presentation/training session for the HERITAGE-PRO project to learn more about the training materials. Title of the event: “The challenges of the interdisciplinarity in today’s cultural management: the case of cultural heritage as an example“.

Project coordinator Dr. Karin Drda-Kühn (Association Culture and Work) introduced the project, its ambitions, and the training modules. Project partners presented the HERITAGE-PRO guidelines (Dietmar Wiegand from Austrian Institute of Property Research-IPRE), the HERITAGE-PRO Training Kit (developed by Spanish  ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GESTORES DE PATRIMONIO CULTURALAEGPC, presented by Isabel Verdet/ENCATC), and the organisation of a training camp for heritage managers and craftspeople (Sascha Kolhey from Entwicklungsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz), which took place in April 2021. All materials and activities were focused on interdisciplinary cooperation.