An interdisciplinary capacity-building training scheme is the most important outcome of HERITAGE-PRO. It trains cultural heritage managers and craftspeople in understanding the different mindsets and expectations of actors related to the preservation of cultural heritage in Europe.

The training scheme consists of five modules, organized as a seminar that can be offered by a vocational trainer in six half-day units. The training can also be done as a self-learning eCourse in parallel to work or on weekends. The training is offered on this website for free download.

German and Spanish versions of the training modules are also available, please see the German and Spanish pages of this homepage.

Two complimentary documents – guidelines and a training kit with a set of templates for many interdisciplinary processes – are also available on this homepage.

If you are representing an institution that would like to benefit from professional training, please feel invited to contact one of the institutions that developed, tested, and implement the training continuously. Please contact them directly via our contact page or the coordinator at heritage-pro(at) or phone +49 7931 56 36 374 for further information.