The HERITAGE-PRO team is very proud that the following European experts have accepted our invitation in the Advisory Board of the project. Their institutions are Associated Partners to the project:
Mrs Patricia Alberth, head of the World Heritage Office of the City of Bamberg since 2013. In this capacity, she oversees the local implementation of the World Heritage Convention and serves as the lead person for all matters relating to the World Heritage site. Patricia is a World Heritage specialist with more than eight years of experience at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the UNESCO Regional Bureau in Asia and Pacific. She successfully implemented cultural projects in China, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Germany, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Netherlands and Vietnam. Her projects included the establishment of the UNESCO-ICCROM Asia Academy for Heritage Management, a regional network of universities and research institutes that specialize in the preservation of cultural heritage.
Patricia is a member of the German National Committee of ICOMOS and of the Board of the DENK-MAL Foundation. She holds a B.A. in international business and an M.Sc. in World Heritage studies from the International Business School Groningen, the Netherlands, the University of Macau, China and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany. Patricia is a Fellow of the Salzburg Global Forum as well as an alumna of the BMW Foundation and the Berlin-based Institute for Cultural Diplomacy.
Mr Thomas Metz, director of the General Directorate for Cultural Heritage of Rhineland-Palatinate
Mr Frank Sprenger, head of the Centre for Conservation and Monument Conservation of the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts
Mr Titus Kockel , PhD, Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks – German Confederation of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses, Head of Unit Promotion of the Trades
Mrs Ursula Fuhrer is a university-qualified conservator and studied conservation and technology of paintings and polychrome sculptures at the Institute for Painting Technology at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart (1978-82). She then worked as a conservator at the Hessisches Landesmuseum in Darmstadt and from 1988 to 1999 she was head of the conservation department at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.
Since 2000 she has been self-employed as part of a studio community in Stuttgart. She has worked abroad numerous times, including professional stays in Rome and Jersey, the Channel Islands, among others. Furthermore, she has taught at Hochschule der Künste (University of the Arts) in Berlin; at the University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft) in Berlin, and at Tainan National University of Arts in Taiwan.
Ms Rebecka Nolmard, director-general, Swedish Ministry of Culture
Mr Gunnar Almevik, PhD, Professor at Gothenburg University, Department of Conservation
Mr Carlos Romero Moragas is an archaelogist and cultural manager with a degree in Geography and History (Universidad de Sevilla) and a Master in Cultural Management and Policies (Universidad de Barcelona). He is the Head of the Centre for Training and Dissemination at the Andalusian Institute of Historic Heritage (IAPH), a regional public agency located in Sevilla (Andalucía, Spain), which has pioneered the professional criteria in the public and private conservation of cultural assets not only in its region, but also in Spain and in the Iberoamerican area. He is in charge of the lifelong learning programs of the IAPH, continuously identifying new needs and providing new skills to the professionals of cultural heritage, and of the publication series of the Institute. The publication series (printed and digital) and the dissemination projects aim at promoting the debates on the role of heritage in contemporary societies. He has written extensively on the role of heritage, development and cities.
Mr Gabriel Morate Martin is Director of the Spanish Historic Heritage Preservation Program at MonteMadrid Foundation (former CajaMadrid Foundation, since 1996). He is a member of the Executive Board of Hispanic Nostra and the Spanish Association of the Friends of the Castles (Head of the Technical Department). He is the Editor of the “Monumentos Restaurados” Publication Series. He has lectured in different Masters related to Cultural Heritage (Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Higher Technical School of Architecture in Madrid).
He works also as advisor and does consultancy for public and private institutions on the area of the preservation of historic heritage. He has supervised and managed complex integral rehabilitation programs for some of the most relevant elements of the Spanish Heritage.
Those programs have been awarded national and international recognition at the European level (Medalla de oro de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Medalla Europa Nostra, Premio de la Real Fundación de Toledo, among others).
Art historian and professor emeritus, Dr. Claire Giraud-Labalte led a Master’s in cultural management that combined cultural heritage and performing arts management. She continues her activities as a lecturer and researcher with a long experience in Life Long Learning and interdisciplinary approach. Member of Encatc / Alliance 3.3, she has represented these European networks on numerous occasions as an ambassador on heritage. She is president of Le Pôle du patrimoine en Pays de la Loire and president of the association Territoires imaginaires.
She is also a member of scientific and steering committees: Consultative Conference of Culture (Pays de la Loire Region); Val de Loire – world Heritage, UNESCO, etc. Committed at the European level, she has contributed to the realization of several works: Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe (2015); European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century (2017). Her research centers around travellers in Europe and their view on cultural heritage and society (19th century).
Dr. Terje M. Nypan, Technical Director at Riksantikvaren (Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage). Background: PhD in Sociology of Organisations, University of Oslo (1979), Agronomist (1975). During this period: Chair EHHF Task Force on economics and statistics (2015 – 2017), Chair European Heritage Legal Forum (2008 – 2011). Project Head, Ministry of Environment, project manager, Noragric (Sri-Lanka), and 15 years in the private sector. Last publication: “The Material Cultural Heritage as a Strategic Territorial Development Resource: Mapping Impacts Through a Set of Common European Socio-economic Indicators”. ESPON. Published, November 2019. Role: Lead stakeholder, contributor and member Editorial Board.