Cultural heritage: better cooperation to tackle climate change

Floods, fires, storms – summer 2021 has made the effects of climate change clear. They devastated villages, houses, and landscapes and brought suffering to many people. Cultural heritage sites were also severely affected by this, and in their case, there is not only a risk of irretrievable loss of substance but also of improper restoration. Many different disciplines need to work together for conservation measures. But the skills for this kind of cooperation are not sufficiently mediated in our otherwise high-quality university and craft education. Therefore, HERITAGE-PRO is offering a training programme which was developed by experts from five European countries. The training program consisting of five training modules, Guidelines, and a Training Kit with templates, checklists, and recommendations is available to all who wish to continue their training across disciplines.

Five key topics for cultural heritage preservation

The five training modules address all the main risks and challenges facing cultural heritage in the future. Training sessions are also dedicated to increasingly important risk management:

  1. Global challenges and opportunities
  2. Efficient teamwork and effective interdisciplinary conflict resolution
  3. Valorisation of cultural heritage
  4. Civic participation in cultural heritage preservation; and
  5. Effective communication in an interdisciplinary environment

All the modules are available online and free of charge on these web pages. They are complemented by a collection of good and inspiring examples, evaluated in the HERITAGE-PRO Guide for many interdisciplinary processes.

European support for cultural heritage

HERITAGE-PRO – Interdisciplinary Training for Professionals of Different Disciplines Towards Sustainable Management and Preservation of Cultural Heritage“ was supported by the European education programme ERASMUS+. The consortium – consisting of six European institutions from Germany, Spain, Austria, Sweden, and a European network – thus responded to the ongoing demand for interdisciplinary education and training of professionals from different disciplines for the sustainable management and conservation of cultural heritage.

(Picture credits: Pixabay CC0)





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